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Welcome back! We look forward to our Autumn Term. 
Term Dates

Autumn Term:  24 Sept - 3 Dec 2024.

We meet in person and online on Tuesday evenings, timings below. 


In Person at:

Bow Road Methodist Church

1 Merchant St, Bow, London E3 4LY



Tuesday Schedule


First Half: Skills Session

Our technique classes provide teaching in specific instrument groups.


Second Half: Group Ensemble

All together as one large group to put what we learned into practice.


Wednesday and Thursday Schedule

Online Only Technique Classes


These are intermediate-level classes. One for Violin/Viola (Wednesday) and the other for Cello (Thursday).



Payment of Fees


Fees are due by the start of each term. 

Tuesday sessions (in person or online) are £125 per term (£100 concessions).

Thursday online-only technique classes are £80 per term (£72 concessions).

There is a 50% discount on the Thursday classes if you also sign up for Tuesdays (£40 full/£32 concessions).


To register for the next term click here

To pay your fees, please click here.



Access to Music and Zoom Links


Log in to your account area to view the term's sheet music and Zoom links. Once you are logged in there is also quick access to these pages via the icons which you can find at the top of the website.



To access and download the music, please login here.

To access the zoom link for online membership, please login here.



Any problems? 


If you have any questions, please email us at and we will be happy to help.


Contact us

Strings Together

Email :

Phone: 07568 788 346 (Sinan)

Thanks for subscribing!

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