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Cost of living and group development!

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

Cost of Living

Fees have remained the same since we launched back in September 2020 and we have no plans to change this for the foreseeable future. However, we’re aware that even £12.50 per session may be an extra cost too many for some with the current cost of living crisis.

If you would like to join but are concerned about affordability then please send a confidential email to


Group Development

We also need volunteers to help shape the future of our musical community! Here are some projects that we’d love to get started:

  • Getting incorporated: we need to become a charity (or similar organisation) to access some benefits including tax, gift aid, alternative funding, and venues with better facilities

  • Growing the orchestra: marketing, online advertising, website improvements, service development

  • Fund raising: could we make the orchestra free for players, for example, by changing the way we raise money?

We would ultimately love to make Strings Together free for players (yes, completely free!) to make the orchestra accessible to a wider group of people. The challenge is to find out how we can do this in a financially sustainable way! We will need a mixture of short and long-term commitments. You don’t have to be an active member of the orchestra to help out either so if you, or someone you know, might be interested in helping us achieve our aims, email

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